Documents & Resources
Community Impact
Since 2015, MVLF has been growing our Hope4Community (H4C) program across the Dayton and Miami Valley Region. MVLF has created a downloadable infographic called the “MVLF/H4C Community Impact Flowchart”, which visually helps communicate what a Hope4Community is and how it works.
Overarching the MVLF/H4C model is our “Wheel of Change.” This wheel depicts that MVLF, and our partner communities, strive to: Engage Leaders of Good Faith and Good Will, Build the Capacity of Others, and Develop Joint Initiatives.
We invite you to download the infographic below to gain further insight on how to partner with MVLF or stand up a Hope4Community in your local area. For more information, please submit a form on our contact page.
Online Store
MVLF is pleased to share our Online Store! Here, any Mentoring2Thrive or Hope4Community member can find their local program and select their desired logo to have embroidered, or heat-printed, onto apparel and/or merchandise items. Once you place an order, the item(s) will then be drop-shipped (within a week or two) to the location of your choosing.
If you have any questions or issues with your order, please call (937) 929-0706 or send an email to support@lizardap.com. Be sure to inquire with your local Hope4Community Director MVLF too – they can help answer any questions you may have! Please send an email to info@miamivalleyleadership.com.