Become a Partner
Communities thrive when we connect, collaborate, and catapult transformative change in the same direction.
Scripture says, “A cord of three strands is not easily broken” (Ecc. 4:12). In the same way, a movement of people partnered together to change communities is not easily stopped.
We want to transform the Miami Valley, to see it go from brokenness to wholeness, from isolated to hopeful, and we need partners to help us make that happen.
We need partners who are like-minded, willing to stick it out, and ready to celebrate the victories of hope both big and small. Whether you partner with us with your time, your treasure, or your talent — or all three — we eagerly await hearing from you and connecting you to this movement of partnered people pursuing a better tomorrow for the Miami Valley.
You need not be a hero to be a partner.
You just need to be willing to be a part of something bigger than yourself.